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Photos of some of the mature size of the conifers we grow.

low growing to 1'x3' in 10 years, likes shade

All the new growth cascades down, staked to achieve this height

early spring flowers in clusters, evergreen

We grow Crimson Queen, Red Dragon & Tam.

mound shape with a nest like depression in the middle

a compact, dense evergreen, unique coloring

Irregular growth, becomes quite large and dense

Slow growing, deep green textured foliage

10 year size 3-4'wx2'h

Graceful swooping branches, open, layered


photo shows a row in the nursery

Nursery row for sale

very irregular growth

leave lots of room

Montgomery Dwarf Blue Spruce and Weeping Norway Spruce

Gentsch White Tip Hemlock

Hinoki Falsecypress

hemlock topiary

Cripps Falsecypress

older example, open, drooping branches